Spatial Economics & Machine Learning Theory: Intensive Seminar (2018)


From June to July this year, we held an intensive seminar to learn basic theories of spatial economics and machine learning. Here are the materials used in the seminar.

Spatial Economics Seminar

Based on: “The Spatial Economy: Cities, Regions, and International Trade” (Masahisa Fujita, Paul Krugman, Anthony J. Venables [author], Hiroyuki Koide [translator])

Chp. 1-3: Introduction, Urban Economics and Regional Science  ●Chp.1-3.pdf

Chp. 4-5: The Dixit-Stiglitz Model of Monopolistic Competition and Its Spatial Implications, Core and Periphery  ●Chp.4-5.pdf

Chp. 6-8: Many Regions and Continuous Space, Agricultural Transport Costs, Spatial Models of Urban Systems ●Chp.6-8.pdf

Chp. 9-10: The Monocentric Economy, The Emergence of New Cities ●Chp.9-10.pdf

Chp. 11-13: Evolution of a Hierarchical Urban System, An Empirical Digression, Ports, Transportation Hubs, and City Location ●Chp.11-13.pdf

Machine Learning Seminar

Deep Learning

Based on: “An Introduction to Deep Learning” (Masato Taki), “Deep Learning” (Takayuki Okatani) Deep Learning.pdf

Submodular function

Based on: “Machine learning with submodular functions” (Yoshinobu Kawahara, Kiyohito Nagano)

Submodular functions.pdf


Based on:”Relational Data Learning” (Katsuhiko Ishiguro, Kohei Hayashi)


 | Lab Seminars

Basic and Programming Seminars on Theory of Transportation (Y2018)


As a start-up, Fukuda Laboratory conducts a basic seminar on the three major basic theories required for traffic analysis in the first 2-3 months of the academic year. In 2018, the seminar aimed to learn the basic theories and application methods (programming skills) for two topics of “travel behavior analysis” and “traffic network analysis”. 

Textbooks used:

  • “Analysis and Modeling of Traffic Behavior: Theory/Model/Survey/Application” (Ryuichi Kitamura and Takayuki Morikawa [editors])
  • “Equilibrium Analysis of Transportation Networks” (JSCE [editor])

Programming languages used:

  • Python (some functions in Pythonbiogeme)
  • R


Chp.1 Data Aggregation and Visualization 01Py.pdf 01R.pdf

Chp.2 Big Data Processing 02Py&R.pdf 02code_R&

Spatial data analysis using QGIS 02QGIS.pdf

Chp.3 Regression Analysis and Causal Effect Analysis 03R_Regression Analysis.pdf 03_Causal Effect Analysispdf

Chp.4 Creating documents and slides using LatexLatex, Bibliography Management with BibTeX and Zotero 04LaTex.pdf 04BibTex.pdf

【Travel Behavior Model】

Chp.5 Derivation and Parameter Estimatio of Multinomial Logit (MNL) Model 05Theory.pdf 05R.pdf

Chp.6 Nested Logit Model (NL), Mixed Logit Model (MXL) and Parameter Estimation 06R.pdf 06Pybiogeme.pdf

Chp.7 Metropolitan Area Rail Demand Forecasting 07Railways.pdf Estimation of value of time 07Pybiogeme.pdf

Chp.8 Multi-Agent Simulation 08MATsim.pdf 08RL_R&Py.pdf

【Traffic Network Analysis】

Chp.9  Network Representation and Shortest Path Search 09 Network Representation.pdf 09Shortest path.pdf

Chp.10 Deterministic User Equilibrium Model and Calculation Algorithm 10R.pdf 10Py.pdf

Chp.11 Stochastic User Equilibrium Models and Markov Theory 11Stochastic.pdf Variant Demand UE 11Variant-Demand UE.pdf

Chp.12 Congestion Charging and Network Model 12 First Half.pdf 12 Second Half.pdf

※The pdf files marked “Py”, “Pybiogeme”, “R”, and “MATsim” are materials that include explanations of the program code, while the other materials are explanations of the theory and how to use the analysis software.

 | Lab Seminars

Basic/Programming Seminar on Transportation Theory (Y2017)


As a start-up, Fukuda Laboratory conducts a basic seminar on the three major basic theories required for traffic analysis in the first 2-3 months of the academic year. In 2017, the seminar aimed at to learn the basic theories and application methods (programming skills) for the two topics of “travel behavior analysis” and “traffic network analysis”. The seminar was held in the graduate course of Prof. Marco Nie on “Traffic Flow Theory”.]

Textbooks used:

  • “Analysis and Modeling of Traffic Behavior: Theory/Model/Survey/Application” (Ryuichi Kitamura and Takayuki Morikawa [editors])
  • “Equilibrium Analysis of Transportation Networks” (JSCE [editor])

Programming languages used:

  • Python (some functions in Pythonbiogeme)
  • R



【Travel Behavior Analsis Seminar】

  • 4-5: Travel behavior theory & Travel behavior scheme 04_01.pdf
  • 4-5: Travel Behavior Analysis & Econometric Approach to Behavior Analysis 04_02.pdf
  • (P) Estimation of multinomial logit model (R, Python)


  • 6-7:  Modeling: Discrete and continuous choice models, simultaneous equation models 06_01.pdf
  • 6-7:  Structural equation models, Dynamic models & Survival time models 06_02.pdf
  • (P) Full information maximum likelihood method 07Py.pdf
  • (P) Estimation of survival time model


  • 8-9:  Phenomenon analysis: Trip frequency, destination, transportation, route choice  Activity-Based Approach 08_01.pdf
  • 8-9:  Phenomenon analysis: Car ownership Analysis of non-routine (holiday) traffic 08_02.pdf
  • (P) Tourism Wi-Fi data analysis


【Traffic Network Analysis】



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