Our laboratory Seminars in Spring Semester 2024


Our laboratory holds seminars every Wednesday throughout the academic year.
In the first semester, we conduct the Research Progress Seminar in the first half, where one student presents their research progress each week, followed by the Learning Seminar in the second half.

Due to construction work in the Engineering Building No. 1, we are using a seminar room in the Engineering Building No. 11, which is different from our usual location. Compared to the room we used in previous years, the new room is smaller and has a warm-toned interior, creating a brighter and more homey atmosphere.

In this year’s Learning Seminar, we are covering the basics of data processing through Python and GIS. Although the time in the second half of the seminar is limited, we were able to learn practically through a hands-on approach.

Given that our laboratory students tackle a wide variety of research topics, the content covered in the Learning Seminar does not always directly match each individual’s research theme. However, by participating in the Learning Seminar during the first semester, everyone gains an equal foundation of basic knowledge, which deepens their insight into others’ research. This, in turn, enables more in-depth questions during the Research Progress Seminar in the second semester. (Nakamura)

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A First-year Seminar in 2024


The international project group is offering a first-year seminar for freshmen this year.
I participated in this course as a teaching assistant.

The course consists of lectures and group work, and I primarily joined the group work sessions. I was inspired by the fresh perspectives of the first-year students and their eagerness to learn new things each week, which also provided me with new insights.
On the first day of the course, I visited the Komaba Campus for the first time in four years.

This week, as the final session of the course, we visited Haneda Innovation City.
We joined a tour of “PiO PARK,” an open innovation space, an autonomous bus, and the robot restaurant “AI_SCAPE.”
Previously, I had ridden an autonomous bus in Sakai Town, which was the ARMA model by the French company NAVYA. This time, I experienced the MiCa model made in Estonia. MiCa has been customized for Japan, and according to the staff, it performs better than the NAVYA model, which they formerly used. On this route, the bus operated in “fully” autonomous mode without any manual intervention, showing significant advancements in autonomous driving compared to the visit a year ago.
Although we couldn’t enter the robot restaurant, its futuristic ambiance made me eager to dine there someday.

This was my first visit to this facility, which was established in 2022, and it was a valuable learning experience for me.

Re-engaging with the first-year seminar I took as a freshman, now in my final year, was a precious experience that made me reflect on what I have learned. (Nakamura)

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Fukuda sensei visited the Traffic Safety Project in Okinawa


At the end of June, Dr. Fukuda participated in the Yui-Maru Project in Okinawa. The Yui-Maru Project is a collaborative initiative led by the Toyota Mobility Foundation involving the Okinawa Prefectural Police, the University of the Ryukyus, and the University of Tokyo. It aims to address the frequent accidents caused by tourists driving rental cars.
Toyota Rent-a-Lease Okinawa was inspected during the visit, and various traffic danger spots were identified. Having driven a rental car in Okinawa, I recall the challenges of navigating the intricate and narrow streets of the old town.
Our laboratory frequently addresses tourism policies related to overtourism in Okinawa and other regions in our students’ graduation research. With Okinawa’s population estimated at 1.46 million (as of June 2024) and 8.53 million tourists in 2023 (domestic and international combined), the need for a safe and comfortable coexistence between locals and tourists is evident. This figure highlights the significant impact of tourism on the region.
Reflecting on this, it becomes clear that addressing these challenges from a traffic engineering perspective is essential to ensuring the safety and comfort of both residents and visitors.

Okinawa Prefecture Planning Department Statistics Division (Updated June 1, 2024). “Estimated Population”. Accessed July 12, 2024.
Nikkei Newspaper article (May 2, 2024). “Okinawa’s Fiscal Year 23 Tourists, Domestic Visitors Reach Record High of 7.26 Million”. Accessed July 12, 2024.

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Bachelor’s Thesis Presentation in Okinawa


I am Takeshi Uemachi, an M1 student. I have been interested in disparities in mobility and have been working on my graduation research on “Poverty and Transportation in Okinawa.”

At the end of June, I held a presentation at the prefectural office. In addition to meeting new people for the first time, attendees included members of Professor Kamiya’s lab at the University of the Ryukyus, officials from the prefectural office, and staff from the social welfare council who have been supportive of my research. After the presentation, I received many comments on the results and discussions, which provided insights for continuing similar research in my master’s program. I also received words of encouragement for the future development of my research, which made me feel a strong sense of responsibility.

I will continue to work hard to clarify the actual situation and achieve results that can lead to policy recommendations. Once again, thank you for providing me with the valuable opportunity to present my findings on site and for the warm welcome. This summer, we also have a joint seminar with the University of the Ryukyus planned. I am looking forward to seeing everyone again!


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JSCE Spring Conference @ Hokkaido University #2


On May 25 and 26, our 3 senior year students joined at the 69th Spring Conference of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) held at Hokkaido University to find their research interest. Here is the messages from them.

(Matsunaga) On May 25th and 26th, we B4 students attended the Civil Engineering Planning Conference held at Hokkaido University as listeners. Through the poster sessions and presentations, we learned about various research topics and received inspiration for our graduation research. Additionally, seeing the impressive presentation and Q&A session by M1 student Mr. Meka allowed me to concretely envision the person I want to become in a year. Thank you for providing us with this valuable opportunity.

(Kanaoka) It was my first time attending an academic conference, a place where specialized and cutting-edge discussions are held. I was overwhelmed by the enthusiasm in the venue, where professionals from various fields were eagerly engaging in conversations. Their dedication to their research was very inspiring. I will continue to work hard.

(Tanaka) I participated as a listener. During this conference, I was fully engaged in the research presentations and squeezing out questions, but I was able to find particularly interesting research topics and methods. Reflecting on it, I want to apply what I learned to my future research. In a year, I aim to participate in conferences with high-quality presentations and discussions. Thank you for giving me this valuable experience.

 | Lab Life by Students

JSCE Spring Conference @ Hokkaido University


On May 25 and 26, our first-year master’s student Mega gave a presentation at the 69th Spring Conference of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) held at Hokkaido University.
It was a rare experience for me to present in front of such a large audience in a quiet setting. Although I was nervous throughout the presentation, my anxiety eased once the Q&A session began. I was thrilled that my message was clearly conveyed, and I received praise for the interesting content and valuable advice.

I am deeply grateful to Professor Fukuda and the members of my lab for their invaluable feedback on aspects I hadn’t noticed myself during the preparation phase. I am determined to make the most of this experience and dedicate myself to my research over the next two years of my master’s program. [Mega]

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2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake Inspection


On May 14 and 15, I accompanied the Noto Peninsula earthquake survey.
Through the survey, first of all, I felt that the topographical factors of the Noto Peninsula played a major role in the disaster. One of the few roads in the peninsula was blocked by collapses and sediment, which hindered the movement of people and goods, the key to disaster response and recovery. Along the northwestern coast of the Noto Peninsula, the ground was uplifted and ports were made unusable. Liquefaction and land subsidence also occurred on soft ground, damaging much infrastructure. Tunnels and bridges located in landslide zones were rendered impassable by the landslides. However, even with some unique topographical factors, the worsening problems that contribute to disaster damage are common throughout Japan, such as urban concentration, aging buildings and infrastructure, and the declining birthrate and aging population.
In a situation where people, goods, and money (and information, especially immediately after the disaster) are still not being gathered to their full potential, some opinions may not be fully understood when considering priorities and methods for reconstruction and restoration, and some decisions may be difficult to make. I was encouraged to see people in various positions working hard and devising creative solutions, and at the same time, as a person involved in infrastructure, I was keenly aware of my own responsibility to do so.
I would like to introduce some of the most memorable landscapes from the survey, The first is National Route 249 along the coast, which was impassable at many points due to collapsed slopes. The second is the Noto Satoyama kaido, where there were many collapsed embankments. The road was re-built with embankments, detours were built, bridges were constructed, ramps were used, and other ingenious measures were taken to make it possible to move toward Wajima City.



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Visit from Kanazawa University


Mr. Nakagawa, M2 student at Kanazawa University, is visiting our laboratory for a week this week. He wrote a self-introduction and we are pleased to publish it here! (Below is written by Mr. Nakagawa)

My name is Nakagawa, and I am from Kanazawa University. I am very happy to have been invited by Prof. Fukuda through my supervisor, Prof. Dantsuji. I will be staying here for about a week.

I am very grateful to Prof. Fukuda and his laboratory member for creating a comfortable atmosphere for me from the first day. I am also very grateful for the detailed questions and suggestions they gave in response to my research presentation at the seminar the other day. I would like to take this back home and apply it to my research in the future.

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The 22st Behavior Modeling Summer School


On 18th to 20th September, Behavior Modeling Summer School 2023 was held in a hybrid form on the Hongo campus and online. This year, four members of our laboratory, M1 and B4, participated the summer school.

In this year’s analysis, we created a transportation mode choice model, applied the model to test data, and tried to analyze the characteristics of people who did not fit the model. We had a little bit of a hard time during the three days, but with the help of the advice we received from the professors, we worked together and managed to get the results we wanted!

As a result, we did not win any prizes, but our ideas and attempts were appreciated by the professors. On a personal note, this summer school was the second and last opportunity for me, since M1 and B4 students usually participate in our lab, and it was a great experience for me to deepen my knowledge, not to mention that I had many learning opportunities during this 3-day school period to concentrate on the behavioral models. Thank you very much.bmss2023.jpg[Nakamura]

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Graduation ceremony & A message from Chee Yung


On September 22nd (Friday), the graduation ceremony for the graduate school was held at Hongo Campus. Krittanai and Chee Yung have successfully completed their master’s programs. Krittanai was also awarded the Nishino Akiyo Award, which is an award for the Japanese language class.



Krittanai will continue to stay in our lab after this October and pursue a doctoral degree. Chee Yung, on the other hand, will be leaving Japan upon graduation. Below is a message from Chee Yung (please refer to the English page for the original text):


Hi, I am Chee Yung. Time has flown by, and I now stand as a graduate of the University of Tokyo. The past two years have been an incredible journey filled with challenges, growth, and unforgettable memories.

During the first semester, because of COVID-19 travel restrictions, I had to attend classes and lab seminars through online platforms. While all professors and students were kind and willing to offer various forms of assistance, the absence of physical interaction presented a significant challenge. Thankfully, I was able to arrive in Japan during the second semester, which marked the beginning of a journey that allowed me to engage in-person with everyone in the UTokyo community. Despite the busy coursework and presentations, I found it enjoyable to meet with everyone at UTokyo and immerse myself in discovering Japanese customs.

As I conclude my time at UTokyo, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor, Prof. Fukuda. He has been an invaluable source of support throughout my journey at UTokyo, offering assistance not only in academic matters but also in my daily life and financial support, especially during the midst of the pandemic. Moreover, despite the fact that I made some mistakes during my time in Japan, his remarkable tolerance created a supportive environment in which I felt comfortable learning and growing. This significantly boosted my confidence in completing my research.

Furthermore, I was fortunate to become a member of LIIS. Due to my limited knowledge of Japanese customs and my poor proficiency in the Japanese language, I was somewhat uneasy and apprehensive when I first arrived in Japan. However, all the members of the LIIS were very welcoming and friendly. Through numerous drinking parties and various activities such as lab trips, hotpot parties, fireworks festivals, skiing, and watching baseball games, I gradually adapted to Japanese life, became more cheerful, and began to relish my time in Japan. More importantly, I have come to regard them as some of my closest friends in Japan, and I will undoubtedly cherish the memories of the days we spent together!

In terms of my research, I have developed a semi-dynamic link-based transit assignment model for predicting passenger volumes within the Tokyo Metropolitan Area’s railway network, taking into account time dynamic effects and various characteristics of the railway network, such as the presence of multiple railway companies, differing fare systems, and through services. While I have encountered several challenges and made some mistakes throughout my research journey, I now view these setbacks as natural parts of the process. In fact, these mistakes have provided me with valuable opportunities to enhance my study and fortify my research position. Therefore, I encourage all of us not to fear making mistakes but to remain steadfast, for, as the saying goes, “to err is human.”

To conclude, these two years have been full of challenges, both in my daily life and in my studies. However, I was fortunate to receive help and encouragement from many individuals during my stay in Japan. While I cannot thank each and every one of you individually in this article, please know that your collective support and kindness have left an unforgettable mark on my heart. Lastly, I wish everyone all the best, and I hope to see you all again in the near future!

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