

 | 研究活動紹介(教員より)

Presentation on dynamic traffic assignment @ ISTTT23 in Lausanne

Ge Qian and Daisuke Fukuda attended the 23rd International Symposium of Transport and Traffic Theory (ISTTT23) to present the joint work with Dr. Ke Han and Dr. Wenjing Song entitled “Reservoir-based surrogate modeling of dynamic user equilibrium” (fulltext is available at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trpro.2019.05.040). This paper proposes a new dynamic user equilibrium (DUE) traffic assignment model using reservoir-based network reduction techniques and surrogate dynamic network loading models. A traffic network is decomposed into a reservoir structure, and the DUE problem is formulated as a variational inequality, with an embedded surrogate model for the path delay operator to describe traffic dynamics at the reservoir level. The surrogate model is further enhanced by the reproducing kernel Hilbert space and adaptive sampling to reduce approximation error and improve computational efficiency. To solve the proposed surrogate-based DUE problem on reduced networks, we develop a customized algorithm that integrates the kernel trick with the generalized projection framework. Numerical experiments of the proposed method show that it leads to significant reduction in the computational burden (by up to 90%) while maintaining an acceptable prediction error (no more than 1%) with respect to the original DUE model. 
Thank you for the symposium organizer Prof. Geroliminis and Prof. Leqlerq for their sincere hospitality.

An extra photo with the participants from Japan at the dinner!

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Presentation on train delay analysis @ TransitData2019 in Paris


Daisuke Fukuda joined the 5th International Workshop and Symposium of TRANSITDATA2019 held in Paris. This symposium is dedicated to the research and applications on the use of massive passive data for public transport.

Fukuda presented the research work on train delay study entitled “Emperical investigation of fundamental diagram for urban rail transit using tokyo’s commuter rail data” which is co-authored with Masahiro Imaoka (lab. alumni) and Toru Seo (lab. alumni and currently at the Univ. of Tokyo) [Abstract and Presentation]. We empirically investigated the existence of “Train (Macroscopic) Fundamental Diagram” using the detailed dataset of train operation and passenger boarding/alighting in Tokyo. We confirmed that the theoretical traffic model derived in another paper fits the observed data fit well under some conditions. We would like to thank for their valuable comments from Prof. Jan-Dirk Schmoecker (Kyoto Univ.), Prof. Fumitaka Kurauchi (Gifu Univ.) and Prof. Nigel Wilson (MIT) and other participants.


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A new paper on dynamic traffic modeling in Transportation Research B


A new paper on macroscopic modeling of dynamic network loading in the multiple-reservior system has been released in Transportation Research Part B (50 day’s free access to the article from here).

A macroscopic dynamic network loading model for multiple-reservoir system
Qian Ge and Daisuke Fukuda
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological
Volume 126, August 2019, Pages 502-527.

In this paper, a new dynamic network loading model is proposed based on the concept of macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD). The reservoir (i.e. multiple neighborhood that consist of multiple MFD reservoirs) model is built on the conservation of flow in reservoir and the boundary model is built on the supply and demand of neighboring reservoirs. The design parameters such as length and boundary of each internal path have been studied in depth.This model is tested by several numerical experiments.

論文「A macroscopic dynamic network loading model for multiple-reservoir system」(葛研究員・福田) がTransportatoin Reseach Part Bより刊行されました.この研究では,都市域全体を複数の貯水域(Reservoir)から構成されるInput-Outputシステムと見立て,各貯水域内部での交通流がMFDに従うと仮定した上で,異なる貯水域間の流動(エリア間OD交通量)を交通流理論に整合的に記述する,新たな動的ネットワークローディングモデル(MRDNLモデル)を開発しています.その上で,このモデルに合致した数値計算スキームを構築し,いくつかの数値実験を通じて,提案したマクロ近似手法が適切に地域間の交通流動を記述できていることを明らかにしています.

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手島精一記念研究賞・留学生研究賞(Seiichi Tejima International Student Research Award)について、学内で授与式が行われました。この賞は本学に外国人留学生として在学中に特に優れた研究成果を上げた者に対して贈られるもので、当研究室からは研究員の葛乾 (Ge Qian)さんが受賞されました。誠におめでとうございます。


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Special Issue of Asian Transport Studies


The special issue entitled “Innovative Travel Survey Methods and Behavior Modeling in the Era of Big Data” has been published (https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/eastsats/5/3/_contents/-char/en) [Guest Editor: Daisuke Fukuda].

This special issue has welcomed papers that are related to all aspects of innovation in travel survey methods and corresponding travel behavior modeling that show innovations in approach, outcomes, and state-of-practice. Five papers have been selected for this special issue. As a guest editor, I really thank for authors as well as reviewers for these papers.

[Daisuke Fukuda]

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講演@2019 Tokyo Tech Research Showcase in Thailand (1月29日)


2019年1月29日に,タイ・パトゥムタニー県タイランド・サイエンス・パークにて初めて開催された「東工大リサーチ・ショーケース(2019 Tokyo Tech Research Showcase in Thailand)」にて,福田が発表を行いました.これは,2018年3月に、タイにおける国際共同研究・産学連携を推進するために設置された「東工大 Annex バンコク」の関連のイベントで,本学の最先端の研究を積極的に発信することによりさらに連携を活性化させようとするものです.

第1回目のテーマが,情報技術,人工知能およびその関連分野ということで,福田より “Big Data Applications in Transportation Planning” 「交通計画におけるビッグデータの適用可能性」という題目で研究紹介発表を行いました.


(JP) https://www.titech.ac.jp/news/2019/043808.html

(EN) https://www.titech.ac.jp/english/news/2019/043818.html

 | 研究活動紹介(教員より)



研究員の葛乾 (Ge Qian)さんが,本学に外国人留学生として在学中に特に優れた研究成果を上げた者に対して贈られる手島精一記念研究賞・留学生研究賞(Seiichi Tejima International Student Research Award)を受賞しました.吉川・山口賞に引き続いてのダブル受賞となります.誠におめでとうございます.

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  • 列車内混雑と経路重複を考慮した鉄道経路選択・乗客配分モデルに関する研究:首都圏鉄道網におけるケーススタディ

  • Wi-Fiパケットセンサーによる観光周遊パターンの把握可能性:沖縄・本部半島における検討

  • 社会的相互作用に着目したエビデンスベース研究の展開と土木計画への応用可能性

 | 研究活動紹介(教員より)



研究員の葛乾 (Ge Qian)さんが,本学土木系の特に優れた博士論文に対して贈られる吉川・山口賞を受賞しました.おめでとうございます.

Ge Qian さんの博士論文「DATA-DRIVEN AND MACROSCOPIC APPROACHES FOR ESTIMATING ORIGIN-DESTINATION TRAVEL DEMAND」の主要な成果は次の二点です:(1)静的枠組で従来型交通調査から得られた流動表(OD表)をビッグデータを用いて最新のOD表に更新する方法論を構築したこと;(2) OD交通量が時刻に応じて変動する動的枠組みのもとで,巨視的アプローチとデータ指向型アプローチを統合して計算効率性の高い動的OD交通量推定手法を開発したこと.(1)に関しては,エントロピー最大化原理を援用した静的OD表の更新方法の開発を行い,2008年東京都市圏パーソントリップ調査と2012年メッシュ単位滞在人口統計データを用いた実証分析より提案手法の妥当性を確認しています.(2)に関しては,都市域全体を複数の貯水域から構成されるInput-Outputシステムと見立て,異なる貯水域間の流動(エリア間OD交通量)を交通流理論に整合的に記述するモデルを開発しています.これらの研究成果は,交通工学分野の最高ランクジャーナルであるTransportation Research Part C 及び Part Bにそれぞれ掲載されています.

This dissertation concentrates on the problem of inferring origin-destination (OD) travel demand from multiple sources of data. This dissertation attempts to extend previous studies in using new data, building macroscopic dynamic network loading for complex multi-reservoir urban transportation network and developing novel method that incorporates perceived and observed data for estimating path flow. We present a maximum entropy based updating method to yield static OD matrices using aggregate mobile phone data. We adopt this dataset for the following reasons: low cost, easy to collect, and privacy-free. The proposed approach calculates trip flows of each OD pair using two sequential sub-models. Performance of the proposed methodology is validated through a numerical example and confirmed by case study using the data of Tokyo. However, the aggregate mobile phone data is not sufficient for dynamic OD demand estimation (DODE) problem. We build a dynamic network loading model upon the macroscopic characteristics of traffic flow depicted by Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD). The dynamic net- work loading model for multi-reservoir system (MRDNL) is specified in terms of a system of partial differential equations following the conservation law. Spatial discretization method and numerical scheme are also developed for tracking the vehicles’ behavior guided by this model. To identifying reservoirs in large network more efficiently without using the demand data, we present a community detection method that yields neighborhoods in which the links are closely related and share similar traffic characteristics. Finally, we emphasize on developing a methodology framework for estimating dynamic OD demand using traffic counts with incorporation of observed path cost.

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