Presentation on train delay analysis @ TransitData2019 in Paris
Daisuke Fukuda joined the 5th International Workshop and Symposium of TRANSITDATA2019 held in Paris. This symposium is dedicated to the research and applications on the use of massive passive data for public transport.
Fukuda presented the research work on train delay study entitled “Emperical investigation of fundamental diagram for urban rail transit using tokyo’s commuter rail data” which is co-authored with Masahiro Imaoka (lab. alumni) and Toru Seo (lab. alumni and currently at the Univ. of Tokyo) [Abstract and Presentation]. We empirically investigated the existence of “Train (Macroscopic) Fundamental Diagram” using the detailed dataset of train operation and passenger boarding/alighting in Tokyo. We confirmed that the theoretical traffic model derived in another paper fits the observed data fit well under some conditions. We would like to thank for their valuable comments from Prof. Jan-Dirk Schmoecker (Kyoto Univ.), Prof. Fumitaka Kurauchi (Gifu Univ.) and Prof. Nigel Wilson (MIT) and other participants.