


本日は学内にて,Charisma F. Choudhury先生による交通ビッグデータに関するTSUセミナーが開催されました.

Charisma先生はイギリスのリーズ大学(UoL)の准教授で,Choice Modelling Research Groupを率い,主に選択モデルの研究を行っておられます.先生の論文の一部として開発された自動車運転に関する行動モデルは,AIMSUNやVISSIMなどの主要な商用交通シミュレーションツールに実装されています.


Dr.Charisma's Presentation.jpg



The 37th TokyoTech TSU Seminar

We will hold TSU(Transport Studies Unit) public seminar.

( Overviewed announcement →   http://www.transport-titech.jp/seminar_visitor.html )

( Detailed announcement → http://www.transport-titech.jp/seminar_visitor/2019/TSU-SV2019-037.pdf)

Presentation Title: Travel behaviour modelling using emerging big data sources

Date: August 22th (Thu.) 2019

Time: 15:00 -16:30

Venue: Tokyo Tech. Ookayama Campus, Multi-Purpose Room, 1st Floor, Midorigaoka Buidling #6


Speaker: Charisma F. Choudhury, PhD, FHEA

                Deputy Director, Choice Modelling Centre Associate Professor,

                Institute for Transport Studies & School of Civil Engineering

                University of Leeds, Leeds, UK

Presentation Abstract:

Over the last decade, passively generated big data sources have emerged as a very promising source of activity and mobility information.  Examples include GPS, mobile phone, smartcard and social media data, online browsing and purchase records of tickets, cars/bikes, residential properties, etc.  However, due to the coarse spatial and temporal resolution, sampling and privacy issues, these data sources are yet to be used for mainstream travel behaviour modelling. The presentation will include four case studies on how these big data sources can be used for mainstream transport modelling – each focusing on a unique limitation of the big data. Case study 1 proposes a ‘latent demographic model’ framework to utilize large scale anonymous data from mobile phones and applies it in the context of trip generation modelling in Switzerland. Case study 2 proposes an application of the ‘broad choice modelling’ framework to deal with the coarse spatio-temporal resolution of the mobile phone data in the context of route choice modelling using call detail record data from Senegal. Case study 3 contrasts the performances of mobile phone and GPS data in the context of departure time choice modelling in Switzerland. Case study 4 proposes a methodology to fuse the household survey and mobile phone data to get the best out of both worlds.  The presentation will conclude by summarizing the insights gained from these studies and an overview of some other ongoing research.


Charisma Choudhury is an Associate Professor at the Institute for Transport Studies and School of Civil Engineering at the University of Leeds (UoL)where she leads the Choice Modelling Research Group. She also serves as the Deputy-Director of the interdisciplinary Choice Modelling Centre, UoL. Prior to joining UoL, she has worked as an Assistant Professor at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and as Analysts in RAND Europe, UK and Cambridge Systematics, USA. Charisma holds PhD and MSc from MIT. For her doctoral work, she had focused on developing driving behaviour models with ‘Dynamic Latent Plans’. The driving behaviour models developed as part of her thesis have been implemented in leading commercial traffic simulation tools including AIMSUN and VISSIM. In recognition of her doctoral research, she has received the Gordon Newell Best Dissertation Prize from the HKSTS and an Honourable Mention from the IATBR. Her research interests include travel behaviour modelling using emerging data sources and transport issues in the Global South.

 | 公開セミナー

TSUセミナー (Yusak Susilo 教授,3月12日)



学内にて,Yusak Susilo教授によるプローブパーソン調査アプリに関するミニセミナーが開催されました.

Susilo先生はスウェーデン王立工科大学(KTH)の教授で,国際行動分析学会(IATBR)等を中心に活躍されておられます.今回のミニセミナーでは,Susilo先生らが開発され欧州各国やJICAによる開発途上国都市交通調査等での適用例が増えつつある open-sourceのアプリ “MEILI” についてのご解説と適用事例をご紹介いただきました.”MEILI” とは複数のユーザーの,トリップの開始から終了までGPS軌跡を収集するアプリです.Susilo先生.jpg

 | 公開セミナー






















日時: 平成31年(2019年) 2月22日(金)13:00〜17:40

会場: 東京大学 武田先端知ビル 武田ホール(〒113-0032 東京都文京区弥生2-11-16)

主催: 神戸大学大学院工学研究科市民工学専攻 井料研究室
    広島大学工学部第四類社会基盤環境工学プログラム 地域環境計画学研究室
    東京工業大学環境・社会理工学院土木・環境工学系 福田研究室

共催: 国土交通省道路局


13:00 オープニング 福田大輔(東京工業大学大学院准教授)

13:05 招待講演

13:40 特定課題 “ETC2.0を含む多様なビッグデータ活用” 最終年度成果報告(25分×3名)

14:55 休憩

15:05 特定課題 “自動運転社会の実現に必要な道路インフラについて” 二年度報告
 原田 昇(東京大学大学院教授):

15:45 特定課題 “AIを活用した交通分析・予測・マネジメント手法の開発” 初年度報告
 力石 真(広島大学大学院准教授):

16:30 休憩

16:45 パネルディスカッション(45分)「多様なビッグデータを活用した道路技術研究開発の展望」

17:30 クロージング(40分) 井料隆雅(神戸大学大学院教授)

18:00 懇親会@東京大学生協第2食堂[会費3000円/人,事前申し込み制]

 | 公開セミナー

International Mini-Workshop on Transport and Traffic Big-Data (Feb. 22)


I am happy to announce that we will organize the following workshop together with Prof. Takamasa Iryo and Prof. Makoto Tsukai.

International Mini-Workshop on Transport and Traffic Big-Data: Theory and Practice

Date: February 22nd (Friday), 2019 9:30 – 12:10

Venue: Lecture Room No. 15 (1st Floor), Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 1
The University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus (https://www.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/foee/access.html)


Hosted by:
Iryo lab., Dept. Civil Eng., Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University
Tsukai Lab., Dept. Civil Eng., Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University
Fukuda Lab., Dept. Civil Eng., School of Environment & Society, Tokyo Institute of Technology


9:30 Opening Remarks
Takamasa Iryo (Professor, Kobe University)

9:35 Invited speaker
Jeff Ban (Associate Professor, University of Washington)
“Transportation Big Data: Promises and Challenges”

10:35 Break (10 min.)

10:45 Young researchers’ presentations (20 min. × 4 presentations)
Takahiko Kusakabe (Lecturer, The University of Tokyo)
Toru Seo (Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo)
Qian Ge (Postdoctoral researcher, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Katsuya Sakai (Assistant Professor, National Taiwan University)

12:05 Closing Remarks
Daisuke Fukuda (Associate Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology)

 | 公開セミナー

[Finished] The 31st TSU Seminar “Future Cities Lab. Dr. Pieter J. Fourie”



あけましておめでとうございます.皆様,本年も宜しくお願い申し上げます.下記のとおり,Dr. Pieter J. Fourieを東工大にお呼びし,第31回TSUセミナーを開催します.Fourie氏は,ETH Zurichのシンガポールにおける交通研究ブランチである Future Cities Laboratory において,Engaging Mobility Teamのリーダーとして交通ビッグデータ解析のプロジェクトを推進されています.今回のセミナーでは,自動運転の話題に加えて同ラボで取り組んでいる他のプロジェクトについてもご解説頂く予定です.

The 31st TokyoTech TSU

(Date & Time)
Jan. 9th, 2018, 1PM-3PM

東京工業大学 緑が丘5号館 2F 小会議室
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Midorigaoka Building No.5 (M5), 2F,
Small Meeting Room

Dr. Pieter J. Fourie (Future Cities Laboratory@Singapore, ETH Zurich)

Towards integrated urban design and simulation of autonomous vehicles:
Engaging mobility @ Future Cities Laboratory

 | 公開セミナー





“Public Land around Transportation for Sustainable Finance and Urbanism: Hong Kong, Singapore, and Mainland China”
By Jin Murakami, Ph.D.
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, City University of Hong Kong

[Abstract] While transportation infrastructure has been seen as a “backbone” in Asian city-states’ territorial development strategies, public land administration has been playing an even more pivotal role in achieving their sustainable finance and urbanism under state leasehold systems. Despite its practical importance, there is still a paucity of empirical research on public land transactions around transportation facilities across Asian city-states. This research presents how selected Asian city-states successfully or unsuccessfully coordinate public land leases together with mega-transportation infrastructure projects from both financial and geographical perspectives. This presentation also covers some figures and preliminary analysis on private (non-residential) property transactions and real estate investment trusts (H-REITs) in guiding the World’s densest urbanization of Hong Kong and stresses the importance of strategic public-private land coordination in shaping Japan’s “compact cities” in competitive and sustainable ways.


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東工大TSU (Transport Studies Unit) では,科研課題「都市内交通システムにおける旅行時間信頼性の評価・運用方法の体系化」,及び,新道路技術開発課題「ETC2.0プローブ情報を活用した”データ駆動型”交通需要・空間マネジメントに関する研究開発」の活動の一環として,下記の要領で経路選択モデリングに関するセミナーを開催致します

第15回 東京工業大学TSU(Transport Studies Unit)セミナー
    「経路選択研究の最新動向」 http://urx.blue/udmQ

日時: 2016年6月11日(土)14:00-17:30

場所: 東京工業大学大岡山キャンパス 緑が丘5号館 [創造プロジェクト館] 1F大会議室

(1) 広島大学 力石 真氏

(2) ナビタイムジャパン 太田恒平氏

(3) 豊田中央研究所 岩瀬竜也氏

 東京工業大学 環境・社会理工学院 土木・環境工学系 福田大輔
 Email: fukuda [at mark] plan.cv.titech.ac.jp

 | 公開セミナー





  1. 主催者:加藤浩徳(東京大学),福田大輔(東京工業大学)
  2. 後援:土木学会土木計画学研究委員会
  3. 開催趣旨:本年4月より7月まで,スイス連邦工科大学(ETH)チューリッヒ校のKay Axhausen教授が,東京大学の客員研究員として滞在されています.Axhausen教授は,Transportation誌の編集長を務めるなど,交通計画・交通行動分析の分野で世界的に広く知られる研究者です(詳しくは,http://www.ivt.ethz.ch/people/axhausen).せっかくの機会ですので,Axhausen教授にご参加いただいて,交通計画・交通行動分析に関わる国際セミナーを連続で開催します(Axhausen教授は,全ての回に出席される予定です).皆様のご参加をお待ちしております.
  4. 場所:東京大学・本郷キャンパス工学部11号館3階国際プロジェクト研究室会議室(113-8656 東京都文京区本郷7-3-1,http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/campusmap/cam01_04_12_j.html
  5. 参加費:無料(参加人数を知りたいので,参加を希望される方は,事前に加藤先生(kato[at mark]civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)までご連絡願います.)
  6. 言語:英語のみです.
  7. その他:終了後に簡単な懇親会を開催する予定です.
  8. スケジュール
第1回 5月28日(木)16:00-18:00
1. Kay Axhausen (ETH, Zurich): Social Network and Transportation
2. 加藤浩徳(東京大学):Recent Issues of Urban Rail Planning in Tokyo
第2回 6月4日(木)16:00-18:00
1. 山本俊行(名古屋大学): Analysis on Battery Charging Behavior of Electric Vehicles
2. Giancarlos Troncoso(東京大学): The Effect of Social Networks and Personality Traits on Out-of-home Leisure Activity Generation: A Case Study of Fukuoka, Japan

第3回 6月12日(金)16:00-18:00
1. 小早川悟(日本大学): Parking Management System in Japan, Current and Future Perspective
2. 佐々木邦明(山梨大学): Real-time Adjustment of Parameters in a Traffic Simulator

第4回 6月19日(金)16:00-18:00
1. 大森宣暁 (宇都宮大学): Recent Trends in Travel Time Use: Impacts of Mobile ICTs
2. 松尾美和 (早稲田大学): Efficiency and Effectiveness of Rural Bus Transit in the US

第5回 6月25日(木)16:00-18:00
1. 日下部貴彦(東京工業大学): Continuous Travel Behaviour Data Collection from Smart Devices
2. 羽藤英二・大山雄己(東京大学): Trip Chain Analysis using Probe Data Collected Through Mobile Phones

第6回 7月3日(金)16:00-18:00
1. 大口敬(東京大学): Impact of ACC Introduction for Alleviating Motorway Bottlenecks
2. 清水哲夫(首都大学東京): Tourism Policies, Data and Researches in Japan

第7回 7月16日(木)17:00-19:00
1. 福田大輔(東京工業大学): Development of Hyperpath-based Risk-averse Route Guidance System and its Verification by a Field Experiment
2. 米崎克彦(運輸調査局): Overview of Air Transport Policy in Japan
Special Seminar Series on Transportation Planning and Travel Behavioral Analysis at the University of Tokyo
1. Organizers: Prof Hironori Kato (The University of Tokyo) and Dr Daisuke Fukuda (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
2. Support: Infrastructure Planning Committee, JSCE
3. Purpose: Professor Kay Axhausen from ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), Zurich has been staying at the University of Tokyo as Visiting Professor from April to July, 2015. He is a well-known transportation researcher, for example the editor-in-chief of Transportation (see more details at http://www.ivt.ethz.ch/people/axhausen). Then we organize a series of seminars regarding transportation planning and travel behavioral analysis where Professor Axhausen join and discuss together. At each seminar two presenters will give short talks. Anyone who is concerned with the seminars is invited. Please contact Professor Hironori Kato for your participation.
4. Location: Meeting Room of International Project Lab., 3rd floor of Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo
5. Language: English
6. Contact: Professor Hironori Kato (kato[at mark]civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
7. Other: Small networking-party will be held after each seminar.
8. Schedule
Seminar 1: 16:00-18:00 May 28 (Thursday)
1. Prof Kay Axhausen (ETH, Zurich): Social Network and Transportation
2. Prof Hironori Kato (The University of Tokyo):Recent Issues of Urban Rail Planning in Tokyo
Seminar 2: 16:00-18:00 June 4 (Thursday)
1. Prof Toshiyuki Yamamoto (Nagoya University): Analysis on Battery Charging Behavior of Electric Vehicles
2. Dr Giancarlos Troncoso (The University of Tokyo): The Effect of Social Networks and Personality Traits on Out-of-home Leisure Activity Generation: A Case Study of Fukuoka, Japan
Seminar 3: 16:00-18:00 June 12 (Friday)
1. Prof Satoru Kobayakawa (Nihon University): Parking Management System in Japan, Current and Future Perspective
2. Prof Kuniaki Sasaki (University of Yamanashi): Real-time Adjustment of Parameters in a Traffic Simulator
Seminar 4: 16:00-18:00 June 19 (Friday)
1. Prof Nobuaki Ohmori (Utsunomiya University): Recent Trends in Travel Time Use: Impacts of Mobile ICTs
2. Dr Miwa Matsuo (Waseda University): Efficiency and Effectiveness of Rural Bus Transit in the US
Seminar 5: 16:00-18:00 June 25 (Thursday)
1. Dr Takahiko Kusakabe (Tokyo Institute of Technology): Continuous Travel Behaviour Data Collection from Smart Devices
2. Prof Eiji Hato & Yuki Oyama: Trip Chain Analysis using Probe Data Collected Through Mobile Phones
Seminar 6: 16:00-18:00 July 3 (Friday)
1. Prof Takashi Oguchi (The University of Tokyo): Impact of ACC introduction for Alleviating Motorway Bottlenecks
2. Prof Tetsuo Shimizu (Tokyo Metropolitan University): Tourism Policies, Data and Researches in Japan
Seminar 7: 17:00-19:00 July 16 (Thursday)
1. Dr Daisuke Fukuda (Tokyo Institute of Technology): Development of Hyperpath-based Risk-averse Route Guidance System and its Verification by a Field Experiment
2. Dr Katsuhiko Yonezaki (Institute of Transportation Economics): Overview of Air Transport Policy in Japan

 | 公開セミナー



東京工業大学先端的交通研究ユニット(TSU) [http://transport-titech.jp/]は,東工大・東芝の共同研究部門,科研費基盤A海外学術調査,および,EASTS国際共同研究の活動の一環として,開発途上国のパラトランジットに関する国際セミナーを開催いたします.

土木計画学国際セミナー 2015年度 #1 (The 13th TokyoTech TSU Seminar EASTS-Japan途上国都市交通計画セミナーシリーズ #2)

Current Issues and Future Prospects of Locally Adapted, Modified and Advanced Transportation (LAMAT) in Developing Countries (PDF)

1. 日時:   2015年4月20日(月) 13:00-16:45
Date: April 20 (Mon), 2015 13:00-16:45

2. 主催:   東京工業大学イノベーション研究推進体「先端的交通研究ユニット(TSU)」
Organizer: TokyoTech Transport Studies Unit (TSU) http://transport-titech.jp
後援: 土木学会土木計画学研究委員会、アジア交通学会、計画交通研究会
Support: Infrastructure Planning Committee, JSCE
EASTS (Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies) – Japan
Association for Planning and Transportation Studies

3. 会場:   TokyoTech フロント「ロイアルブルーホール」
〒152-0033 東京都目黒区大岡山2-12-1 東工大蔵前会館内
(東急目黒線/大井町線大岡山駅 徒歩1分)
Venue: Royal Blue Hall, TokyoTech Front, Oookayama 2-12-1, Meguroku, 1520033 Tokyo
(1 minute walk from Ookayama Station, Tokyu Meguro/Oimachi Line)

4. 参加申し込み: http://goo.gl/ougHBA よりお申込みください.
Registration: Please register at http://goo.gl/ougHBA
For inquiry please contact Ms. Matsui masui.r.aa@m.titech.ac.jp
参加費:無料 (Free)

5. プログラム(Program, all presentations done in English)

13:00-13:15 (15 min.) Opening Remarks
/ Yasunori MUROMACHI (Assoc. Professor, TokyoTech)

13:15-13:45 (30 min.) Locally Adapted, Modified and Advanced Transportation (LAMAT) Studies: The State of Art
/ Veng Kheang PHUN (Institute for Transport Policy Studies), Yasunori MUROMACHI, Kiyohisa TERAI (Professor, TokyoTech / TOSHIBA Corporation) and Tetsuo YAI (Professor, Tokyo Tech)
13:45-14:15 (30 min.) Stated Preference Analysis for New Public Transport in a Middle-sized Asian City: A Case Study in Malang,
/ Daisuke FUKUDA (Assoc. Professor, TokyoTech)
14:15-14:45 (30 min.) Current Issues and Future Prospect of Paratransit in Indonesia
/ Achmad WICAKSONO (Professor, University of Brawijaya)

14:45-15:00 (15min.) (Break)

15:00-15:30 (30 min.) Current Issues and Future Prospect of LAMAT Market in Cambodia
/ Veng Kheang PHUN (Institute for Transport Policy Studies), Reiko Masui (Researcher, Tokyo Tech)
and Iv LIM (Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction)
15:30-16:00 (30 min.) Current Issues and Future Prospect of Paratransit in Thailand
/ Kasem CHOOCHARUKUL (Professor, Chulalongkorn University)
16:00-16:30 (30 min.) Current Issues and Future Prospect of Paratransit in Vietnam
/ Van Hong TAN (Professor, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology)
16:30-16:45 (15 min.) Closing Remarks
/ Tetsuo YAI (Professor, TokyoTech)

(注記) 本セミナーは、(1) 東京工業大学―株式会社東芝・スマート都市インフラシステム共同研究部門、(2) 科学研究費補助金・基盤研究A (海外学術調査) [15H02632]「アジア中規模都市におけるパラトランジット~次世代交通の調和型計画・事業の促進策(代表:屋井鉄雄)」、(3)アジア交通学会(EASTS)国際研究グループIRG-24-2013 “Viability of Public Transport Harmonizing System with Para-Transit Modes” の研究活動の一環として実施致します。
(Note) This seminar is conducted as a part of studies by (1) TOSHIBA Corporation Collaborative Research Unit at TokyoTech, (2) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research A [Overseas Academic Research], Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Research Project Number: 15H02632, Principal Investigator: Tetsuo YAI) “Study on Locally Adapted, Modified and Advanced Transportation (LAMAT) in Middle-sized Asian Cities,” and (3) EASTS-IRG “IRG-24 -2013 Viability of Public Transport
Harmonizing System with Para-Transit Modes.”

 | 公開セミナー



土木計画学研究委員会 ワンデイセミナーシリーズ No.74





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