Important Notice

From April 1, 2020, Prof. Fukuda’s position has been changed to the Department of Civil Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo. He will continue to work at Tokyo Institute of Technology as a special faculty member after April 1, but he will no longer be able to accept new students at Tokyo Institute of Technology. Those who wish to study under Prof. Fukuda’s supervision is required to apply for the graduate school of the University of Tokyo.

As for current students, Prof. Yasuo Asakura will be the primary advisor and Prof. Fukuda will be the secondary advisor. The name of the laboratory will be changed from “Fukuda Laboratory” to “Asakura-Fukuda Laboratory – Fukuda Group”. There will be no change in the system of guidance.

We thank you for your continued support.

[Prof. Daisuke Fukuda]


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