Presentation on dynamic traffic assignment @ ISTTT23 in Lausanne
Ge Qian and Daisuke Fukuda attended the 23rd International Symposium of Transport and Traffic Theory (ISTTT23) to present the joint work with Dr. Ke Han and Dr. Wenjing Song entitled “Reservoir-based surrogate modeling of dynamic user equilibrium” (fulltext is available at
This paper proposes a new dynamic user equilibrium (DUE) traffic assignment model using reservoir-based network reduction techniques and surrogate dynamic network loading models. A traffic network is decomposed into a reservoir structure, and the DUE problem is formulated as a variational inequality, with an embedded surrogate model for the path delay operator to describe traffic dynamics at the reservoir level. The surrogate model is further enhanced by the reproducing kernel Hilbert space and adaptive sampling to reduce approximation error and improve computational efficiency. To solve the proposed surrogate-based DUE problem on reduced networks, we develop a customized algorithm that integrates the kernel trick with the generalized projection framework. Numerical experiments of the proposed method show that it leads to significant reduction in the computational burden (by up to 90%) while maintaining an acceptable prediction error (no more than 1%) with respect to the original DUE model.
Thank you for the symposium organizer Prof. Geroliminis and Prof. Leqlerq for their sincere hospitality.