IVT Seminar@ETHZurich

[20 October 2017]

Dr. Fukuda, Mr. Yamaguchi (Assistant Professor at Kanazawa University), Mr. Suzuki (M1), and Ms. Kaneko (M2) participated in IVT Seminar and gave a presentation at ETHZurich. It was a research focuses on intra- and intercity mobility based on the big data analysis.

Reference HP: ETH Zurich > D-BAUG > IVT > Big Data – Results from Japan

The following is the program.


Prof. K.W. Axhausen, IVT, ETH Zürich

Noriko Kaneko, Tokyo Institute of Technology
A Recursive Logit Route Choice Model Considering Link Perceptions with An Application to Tokyo

Arata Suzuki, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Data-Fusion Approach for Trip-Purpose Estimation of Inter- Regional Passengers

Dr. Hiromichi Yamaguchi, University of Kanazawa
Direct and Indirect Effects of New High-Speed Rail Service: An Empirical Analysis Using Japanese Mobile Phone Location Data

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