Behaviour Modelling Summer School 2018
(M1 students) Mr. Kawai, Mr. Ogawa, Mr. Muro and Mr. Shiroma participated in the Behaviour Modelling Summer School (@Univ. of Tokyo). We constructed an activity-based model that represents an individual’s all-day behavior. It was a Nested Logit model consisting of activity pattern selection, activity time selection (morning, noon, and evening), destination selection, and transportation mode selection. The team received high marks for building a large-scale model system with a total of 10 nests, and was ranked fourth overall (out of 17 teams). We would like to thank the Hato Laboratory of the University of Tokyo for serving as the organizer of the competition.
We also received the Kozumi Prize, which is awarded to the team with the best mathematical modeling. The prize was a bottle of locally brewed sake from Kozumi, Tottori Prefecture. Below is a photo of us with a team from Kobe University, which won the same prize.