2019 TSU Summer Seminar


Sorry for the late update.

The TSU joint summer seminar was held at Ookayama campus of Tokyo Tech. Prof. Fukuda, (M2 students) Mr. Shiroma, Mr. Ogawa, Mr. Kawai, Mr. Muro, and (M1 student) Ms. Wang gave their presentations. Prof. Kamiya and Dr. Gabe from University of the Ryukyus, who are collaborating with Prof. Fukuda in his research, also made a presentation. The presentations by the seniors generated many opinions and questions from the professors and students of other laboratories, and produced lively discussions. The opinions of the fixed members of a laboratory tend to be biased, so the suggestions and opinions obtained in the laboratory seminar are very valuable. We, M1 and B4 students, who listened to the presentations by seniors in other laboratories, also gained many hints for our own research in the future. Let’s make the most of this opportunity and continue to work hard on our own research in the second half of the 2019 academic year.

I am sorry for the delay in introducing this, but the person in charge of updating the website has changed from Ms. Kawai to (M1) Kita starting this month. Thank you for your cooperation.



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